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gate chamber中文是什么意思

用"gate chamber"造句"gate chamber"怎么读"gate chamber" in a sentence


  • 闸阀室
  • 闸门室


  • However , the above method is not applicable for the gate chamber when the foundation of weir body is " high - low foot "
  • Due to the complexity of the load combinations of the gate chamber , it is difficult to perform such test on each load case . on the other hand , it is lack of the test data on the load case perpendicular to the current direction of the gate frusta till now
  • According to the structure layout of futang power station design , geological parameters and calculation results of seepage , the stability and stress of gate chamber and retaining dam are calculated , the security index and stress of anti - slide can can meet the requirement of criterion
  • Two numerating methods are used in traditional structural design of gate chamber . first , considering the gate frusta to be fastened on the weir body , it is calculated as plane stress problem independently . then applying the results ( moment and vertical force ) on the bottom of gate frusta as concentrating load on the weir body , and the weir body is viewed as a elastic foundation beam or plate and unilateral stress analysis was performed
  • Based on structural design criterion of floodgates , a finite clement method is adopted to analyze and calculate deep - hole gate chamber . and based on space plank analysis theory , area stress is considered in the stress calculation of original laminose problems . the method is simple , convenient and manageable and reaches better precision
  • Shankou spillway project has many specific characteristics , for example , the gate frusta and weir body have equivalent thickness , the weir body is low and have corridor , the foundation of the weir body is " high - low foot " " and the side frusta is also used as retain wall . in view of the characteristics , to better analyze the stress distribution on weir body , gate frusta , the joints between gate chamber and weir body , under the condition that the gate chamber is applied with asymmetrical loads and complicated constraints , three dimensional finite element method is applied in this paper
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